Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Believing in the Beauty

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."-Eleanor Roosevelt

What is a dream? Is a dream different than a personal goal? Is a persons dreams influenced by their surroundings? Is it necessary to have dreams?

When I was a younger, I had many dreams. Things that I wanted to do with my life and the person that I wanted to become. In a perfect world my dreams were to become rich, live in a mansion, have 5 children (who I could taxi around to soccer practice) and be married to a handsome, kind, giving man. I used to ride around on my bicycle living this "fantasy life". However, as I grew older I began to realize that this "fantasy life" was very unrealistic and began to focus on practical goals and dreams. I was first exposed to my dream job when I was 11 years old. My mother, a Teacher's Aid, asked me to come to her school to volunteer at their annual fun day. I was immediately sold and was anxiously counting down the days. I spent the entire sports day with young children begging to hold my hand as we went for a walk, laughing, reading stories and most importantly having fun. I came home completely convinced that my dream job was to be an elementary school teacher. This initial exposure helped set my life on path and refocused who I wanted to become.

In my last year of middle school, I was influenced greatly by a leadership teacher who helped me step out of my shy bubble and become a leader, and my involvement in leadership as a leader has only expanded and evolved from there. I did not realize at the time, but this leadership teacher was giving me the stepping stones to the skills I would need to have as a teacher: leading others in a way that they can follow, having strong communication and connections with people and staying organized. My other dream is not only to become an elementary school teacher, but to take my knowledge and spread it in a third world country-- specifically Africa. This decision was heavily influenced after I went on a humanitarian trip to Ecuador, South America and experienced the beauty of love, kindness and sharing without materialistic items.

I believe that it is important for people to have dreams and if not dreams goals for themselves. They do not discriminate against a persons financial status, appearance and inhibition. In life, people always should have something to shoot for and something to be proud of.

Eleanor Roosevelt was right, those who believe in the potential of their dreams have a future. And if those people do not believe in their own dreams and goals, who is going to?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Putting A Summer Into Perspective

Time. We wish it away and yet it passes much too fast. Where does it go?
During the beginning of the year I signed up for an incredible program and one that would eventually change me in to the person that I am now. This program, otherwise known as the Miss. Penticton Program would soon be what dominated the majority of what was to be the thing students and kids look forward to the most, summer. Looking back and thinking of the very beginning I wanted nothing more but summer to come so my life would become less chaotic, what a myth. And ended up wishing away the time. But I learned some invaluable lessons that have influenced me positively.

One of the most amazing experiences throughout this program was initially getting the chance to represent my karate club. They were new to representing somebody and I was new to the program. I had the chance to represent a community of individuals that cared deeply for one another, took care of each other and worked together despite the challenges during our training and in each other’s individual lives.
Now you may be thinking that what and who you represent really should not matter, but it does. You see a little while back my karate teacher otherwise known as Sensei had something dramatic happen in his life that shook his world. His wife, one of the most inspirational people in my life was diagnosed with a terrible illness, Breast Cancer. This terrible illness became the prominent thing that ran these two beautiful people’s lives and ended up having an effect on me. It got me to thinking, here I was wishing away my time in order to get towards the summer when an influential person in my life was struggling for it. I guess you could say I was given much more than a sponsor, I was given a gift to look farther beyond who I was and experience how invaluable another person’s life is.

But this all doesn't really explain what I did and the experiences I had during the summer. 
You see, my experiences didn't include scaling a mountain or travelling to another foreign country. My highlight was getting the chance to visit one on one with my Sensei and his wife. Before arriving to visit with the two I was filled with anticipation. I had never seen this beautiful individual at nothing less than her vibrant self and I didn't want to admit to myself that this illness was real and harming someone I loved. But she was as beautiful and vibrant as always despite the obstacles that were presented in her life. I knew before even going there that she would always been somebody I looked up to. Her amazing personality is something that anyone and everyone would want to be around and she has a way of making each individual person feel special. Her positivity throughout everything she had and has been through made her that much more special and remarkable. During that visit we all sat talking about everything and anything and it soon was apparent how quickly time flies when you are surrounded by people that you love.
Before leaving with my spirits lifted something small and beautiful caught my eye. It was a quote posted in their house and it read "If there is light within the soul, there will be beauty in the person. If there is beauty in the person, then there is harmony in the house. If there is harmony in the house, then there is order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there is peace in the world" - Chinese Proverb. This lady was a living example of The Chinese quote.